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General Press Release



The Energy Art Movement is an international contemporary multimedia art movement, with three primary values: quality, diversity, and evolution – on the common ground of energetic depictions. Our values have been explicitly defined in our manifesto – which is our founding document – and our principles. We believe that enhancing our creations with energy – either in composition or in subject matter – adds value to our art. We strive to follow a progressive trend of forward evolution in the Fine Arts. We embrace both traditional and digital media, and intend to build a multi-span bridge between all the various parts of the art world.

The movement’s members draw from all earlier major styles – such as impressionism, expressionism, and futurism – while they enhance their work with energetic compositions which – according to our manifesto‘s reasoning – adds artistic value to them, and thus is a new stage of evolution and synthesis for those styles, and so for the Fine Arts.

“I would like our messages to be revolutionary, yet non-radical. Heard, yet not loud. Influential, yet non-confrontational. Clear, yet deep.

So far I believe as a group we have lived up to our principles, which continue to materialize from the mist of the future. We are futurists not because of our faddism for the progress of the world, but for the progressive evolution of the Fine Arts (Evolutio). We embrace democratically both digital and traditional media, with the diverse set of individual styles of our members on the common ground of energetic depiction (Varietas).

I believe that any medium is as legitimate as the artist makes it, by striving for perfection in depicting their inspired vision (Qualitas). The materials and means of achieving it are only relevant to the point that they serve the quality of the depiction. During the Renaissance (and later), artists debated endlessly whether painting or sculpture is superior, however the correct standpoint is clearly the equality of all visual media, on the premise of striving for utmost excellence in either.

I would like the Movement to be seen as an arrow, not necessarily to be followed, but to be appreciated for its clear sense of direction, and its modern principles resolving the yet unresolved, showing a potentially right way.”

– Organizer Giorgio Vaselli in Sublime Rush, Issue 4, 2010, pg. 198


The movement was founded on May 9, 2008 by five painters – Miguel Tio (realist), Joe Reimer (impressionist), Giorgio Vaselli (surrealist), Laura Zerebeski (expressionist), and Chris Panatier (abstractionist) – initiated by Giorgio Vaselli who is currently the Movement’s Organizer. It grew out of his growing online network as a consequence of the Internet Age, with his recognition of online grassroots foundations, as further explained in an interview.


Green Energy Project 2009 • Canada  —  12 artists • 12 artworks  —  As artists, we felt it was our duty to reflect upon the major contemporary issue: preserving the cleanness of our environment and propagating an overall awareness towards our fellow citizens. Our concern manifested in this project, in which each artist created an artwork promoting one or more green energy sources.

Energy Art Salon 2010 • Chicago, USA  —  14 artists • 22 artworks  —  The exhibition presented artworks from both our We Are Connected Project and the Energy Art Salon Competition 2009. Internet and mobile technology are enabling us to be more connected as a global human race. We wished hereby to celebrate and propagate the idea of “oneness through connectedness”.

Energizing Radiance 2010 • Memphis, USA  —  29 artists • 67 artworks  —  We are in a phase of transition where distressing economic times have creeped into the homes. The self-propagating negativity has created a background noise to people’s optimism and freedom. The current mentality however is only a fleeting illusion, and it only takes a new energizing vision to alleviate it.

Energy Art Salon 2011 • Russia  —  14 artists • 22 artworks  —  The Movement exhibited in Russia for the first time abroad beyond the American continent. The exhibition was curated by Facebook users around the Globe via the Energy Art Salon Competition 2011. With members also from Russia, the Movement intends to build a multi-span global bridge in the art world.

The Energy Spectrum 2011 • Meridian, MS, USA  —  21 artists • 48 artworks  —  The exhibition showed the breadth of what energy art is able to express, as a “spectrum” of concepts and their depictions, analogously to the scientific idea of the electromagnetic spectrum. A wide range of styles, techniques, and mediums have been presented at the exhibition.